How We Treat Boxwoods
1st Application: We apply a spring dormant oil combined with a bioinsecticide, specifically Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki (BtK). When susceptible insects ingest the BtK, it disrupts their digestive system, leading to death from bacterial infection. This treatment targets the caterpillars or pupae present on the plants.
2nd Application: During mid-summer, we apply a systemic insect control alongside another dose of bioinsecticide. This round targets both caterpillars and pupae again, as well as the eggs laid beneath the boxwood leaves. Our fogging blower ensures that the product reaches these hidden areas for effective treatment.
3rd Application: In the fall, we apply a dormant oil combined with BtK to eliminate any remaining adults, along with a systemic insecticide to combat any eggs surviving into the winter months.
Seasonal Lawncare offers these specialized treatments for residential homes at just $79.99 plus tax. While the boxwood moth can travel over six miles, making total eradication challenging, our program is the most comprehensive and results-driven approach we’ve found effective in controlling the moth population.
Ongoing Boxwood Maintenance
To keep your boxwoods thriving, ongoing care is essential. This includes:
- Proper Watering: Ensure your boxwoods are adequately watered, particularly during dry periods.
- Fertilization: Use a balanced fertilizer to supply vital nutrients.
- Pruning: Regular pruning encourages healthy new growth and helps maintain their shape.
- Self-Monitoring: For additional protection, you can treat your boxwoods between our applications with a product like “Sevin,” available at your local home improvement store.
Things You Can Do as the Homeowner
- Handpicking or pruning affected branches can be effective when infestations are localized and manageable.
- Promptly remove and carefully destroy to prevent the pest from spreading.
Call or text (716) 675-4000 for more information and options.